List of streets in SOUTHAMPTON with first letter M

Click on street name to see the position on SOUTHAMPTON street map. In list you can see 302 streets.

Number of streets (without repeated street names - if some street have more then 1 postcode): 281 street names.

[ 1 ] [ 2 ]
Macarthur Crescent (1)
Macnaghten Road (1)
Maddison Street (1)
Maddoxford Lane (1)
Maddoxford Way (1)
Magazine Lane (1)
Magnolia Close (1)
Magnolia Road (1)
Magpie Drive (1)
Magpie Gardens (1)
Main Road (3)
Maison Belle Vue (1)
Malcolm Close (1)
Malcroft Mews (1)
Maldon Road (1)
Malin Close (1)
Mallard Close (1)
Mallard Gardens (1)
Mallards Road (1)
Mallett Close (1)
Mallow Close (1)
Mallow Road (1)
Malmesbury Place (1)
Malmesbury Road (1)
Malory Close (1)
Malt Lane (1)
Malthouse Gardens (1)
Malvern Close (1)
Malvern Drive (1)
Malvern Gardens (1)
Malvern Road (1)
Malvern Terrace (1)
Malwood Avenue (1)
Malwood Gardens (1)
Malwood Road (1)
Malwood Road West (1)
Manchester Road (1)
Mandela Way (1)
Manley Road (1)
Manns Close (1)
Manor Close (2)
Manor Crescent (1)
Manor Farm Road (1)
Manor House Avenue (1)
Manor Road (4)
Manor Road North (1)
Manor Road South (1)
Manor Terrace (1)
Mansbridge Cottages (1)
Mansbridge Road (2)
Mansel Road East (1)
Mansel Road West (1)
Mansell Close (1)
Mansion Road (1)
Manston Court (1)
Maple Close (1)
Maple Gardens (1)
Maple Road (2)
Mapleton Road (1)
Maplewood Close (1)
Maplin Road (1)
Marchwood Bypass (1)
Marchwood Road (1)
Marchwood Terrace (1)
Marchwood Village Centre (1)
Mardale Road (1)
Mardale Walk (1)
Mardon Close (1)
Margam Avenue (1)
Marianne Close (1)
Marie Road (1)
Marina Drive (1)
Mariners Close (1)
Mariners Mews (1)
Mariners Way (1)
Maritime Avenue (1)
Maritime Walk (1)
Mark Close (1)
Marken Close (1)
Marlborough Court (1)
Marlborough Gardens (1)
Marlborough Road (1)
Marlhill Close (1)
Marlow Road (1)
Marls Road (1)
Marne Road (1)
Marsh Gardens (1)
Marsh Lane (1)
Marsh Parade (1)
Marshfield Close (1)
Marston Road (1)
Martin Close (1)
Martin Street (1)
Martindale Terrace (1)
Martley Gardens (1)
Marvin Close (1)
Marvin Way (2)
Marybridge Close (1)
Maryfield (1)
Maryland Close (1)
Masefield Green (1)
Matheson Road (1)
Matley Gardens (1)
Mauretania Road (1)
Maxwell Road (1)
May Close (1)
May Copse (1)
May Crescent (1)
May Road (1)
May Vale Close (1)
Maybush Lane (1)
Maybush Road (1)
Mayfair Court (1)
Mayfair Gardens (1)
Mayfield Avenue (1)
Mayfield Road (1)
Mayflower Road (1)
Mayhill Lane (1)
Maytree Close (1)
Meacher Close (1)
Mead Crescent (1)
Meadcroft Close (1)
Meadow Avenue (1)
Meadow Close (4)
Meadow Gardens (1)
Meadow Lane (1)
Meadow Way (1)
Meadowhead Road (1)
Meadowmead Avenue (1)
Meadowside Close (1)
Medina Road (1)
Medlar Close (1)
Medlicott Way (1)
Medwall Green (1)
Megan Road (1)
Meggeson Avenue (1)
Melbourne Gardens (1)
Melbourne Road (1)
Melchet Road (1)
Melick Close (1)
Melrose Court (1)
Melrose Road (1)
Melville Close (1)
Mendip Gardens (1)
Mendip Road (1)
Menzies Close (1)
Meon Court (1)
Meon Gardens (1)
Merchants Walk (1)
Mercury Close (1)
Mercury Gardens (1)
Meredith Gardens (1)
Merlin Close (1)
Merlin Gardens (1)
Merridale Road (1)
Merriemeade Close (1)
Merrivale Close (1)
Merry Gardens (1)
Merry Oak Road (1)
Merryoak Green (1)
Mersea Gardens (1)
Mersham Gardens (1)
Merton Road (1)
Methuen Street (1)
Metuchen Way (1)
Michaels Way (1)
Michelmersh Close (1)
Michigan Way (1)
Midanbury Broadway (1)
Midanbury Crescent (1)
Midanbury Lane (1)
Midanbury Walk (1)
Middle Road (3)
Middle Street (1)
Middlebrook (1)
Middleton Close (1)
Midlands Estate (1)
Midlington Hill (1)
Midlington Road (1)
Midway (1)
Milbury Crescent (1)
Milkwood Court (1)
Mill Close (1)
Mill Hill (1)
Mill Lane (2)
Mill Road (2)
Mill Way (1)
Millais Road (1)
Millbank Street (1)
Millbridge Gardens (1)
Millbrook Point Road (1)
Millbrook Road (1)
Millbrook Road East (1)
Millbrook Road West (1)
Millers Way (1)
Milliken Close (1)
Millvina Close (1)
Milne Close (1)
Milner Court (1)
Milton Grove (1)

Number beside street name means that street have more than one data (for example postcode).


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